Helping others see future possibilities.


Corneal transplants

Eye banking has been in practice for more than a century. Everyone has the potential to become an eye donor and restore sight to those afflicted by blindness. Thanks to cornea transplantation approximately 185,000 corneal transplants are performed around the world every year!
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Idaho Lions Vision Clinic

We provided full eye exams and eyeglasses to low-income individuals who lack vision insurance and are unable to afford an eye exam and a pair of prescription eyeglasses.
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Health Care Assistance

Our surgery assistance fund helps people pay for cataract surgeries, corneal transplants, diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachments, glaucoma, and more. When individuals feel the effects of economic hardship and lack of insurance, we’re able to alleviate some of the burden by providing services free of charge—thanks to the donations of community members.
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Eyeglasses & hearing aid recycling

Making a Global Impact:

Humanitarian medical missions help distribute donated eyeglasses to people in developing countries, often seeing for the first time!

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What your donation provides

Every $50 donated provides an eye exam with a pair of glasses

Every $200 donated provides a hearing aid

Every $1000 donated restores eyesight to someone that suffers from corneal blindness

Leave a lasting legacy

Envision has historically relied upon income from its direct services, fundraisers, grants, and individuals to provide the funding for its assistance programs and humanitarian outreach. Even with our history of careful and conservative financial management, resources are always in need to increase our humanitarian outreach or expand our corneal transplants without sacrificing the work of the other.

An enhanced endowment will not only enable Envision to fulfill its mission as a high-quality provider of sight and hearing assistance, but will also help to position the organization to achieve its long-term goal of providing a permanent funding source for our client services.

By expanding our endowment, we will expand critical surgical services and health screenings to meet the needs of our region while allowing the corneal transplant service of Envision to help those afflicted with blindness through transplantation and research.

Some among us are more intentional about building a lasting legacy. These thoughtful and passionate donors invest in what is important to them and give of their time, their wisdom, and their resources. For those investors who believe strongly in the mission of Envision Sight, a gift of endowment is particularly rewarding. A gift of endowment is a gift that lasts. It is, by design, a gift that creates a permanent source of support for the mission that will be there long after the giver is gone. In this sense, those who build a legacy through endowment plants seeds that bloom new again and again; seeds that will provide for many generations to come.

For more information: Contact Jay Lugo, Executive Director - (208) 336-5466